How To Make A Vision Board

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As Yoga Journal Magazine’s “Top 16 Yogi’s You Should Know,” Wellness Coach, & Manifestation Meditation Teacher, join me to laser focus on your dreams and define what you really want—so you can manifest it into your reality!

Hey trubeautys!

Have you ever learned how to make a vision board? Many people are familiar with what they are and hear testimonies (often on social media) of people who are extremely passionate about the subject (myself included). However, regardless of their clear enthusiasm and maybe even your desire to create one deep down—often it doesn’t make the cut on the priority list of things to get done.

Hey, I get it… we’re all so busy these days! Due to the fact that “life happens” and when we finally get a chance to relax we just want to vegge-out in front of Netlix with our favorite junkfood of choice or a glass of wine—not everyone prioritizes how to make a vision board in their life.

However, miraculously some people do get it done… and that’s where the clear line is drawn between those who manifest what they want in their lives quickly and those who do not. Without clear goals and a vision for the future, it’s unlikely you are going to stumble upon your dream life—you need to make it happen!

In order to level-up in your life and accomplish any goal, you must start with a solid foundation. You must first define what truly makes you happy and then create a roadmap of how to go from where you are to making that vision your reality.

So, let’s start with the basics: what is a vision board and why is it important to learn how to make a vision board?

{A vision board} serves as a glimpse or window into your dream life come true!

What Is A Vision Board?

In a nutshell, a vision board (sometimes called a “dream board” or “goal poster”) is a bulletin board, cork board, poster board, or even digital version on one’s device that consists of various images; these images can be people, places, things, feelings, and accomplishments, which serves as a glimpse or window into your dream life come true!

When you allow yourself “the sky is the limit” mentality for your personal and career life, you give yourself the space and opportunity to get really clear on your big goals with a renewed sense of vitality for life!

Why Is It Important For Me To Learn How to Make A Vision Board?

With clarity, comes confidence! When we take the time to really sit back and reflect on what it is that makes us happy and feel the freedom of “feeling like a kid again” allowing no judgement on ourselves and our dreams—the creative floodgates open and this ignites passion we either lost or didn’t know we had. This creates a sense of “fun” and excitement for the possibilities and the future! As adults, this is one of the few times we put no limits on ourselves and this allows us to enter a different state of being connecting to our spiritual and emotional side of wellness. Passion, fun, spontaneity, & feeling in one’s “flow state” (that feeling of getting lost in something and loosing track of time) are all key components to manifesting!

No longer will you be one of those people who plays “bumper cars” with life, moving forward with no real direction and living in “reaction mode” wondering why life always happens to you instead of for you

When you allow yourself “the sky is the limit” mentality for your personal and career life, you give yourself the space and opportunity to get really clear on your big goals with a renewed sense of vitality for life! We no longer have the idea floating around in our head or subconscious creating anxiety in our bodies; it is now a tangible thing we can see (visually), feel (emotionally), and touch (physically), which is crossing a barrier in and of itself.

How Do I Know Vision Boards Work?

If you back that clarity in your vision with action—BOOM!—magic happens and you will begin to manifest your dream life! Now the road to your dream life is a clear vision and your vision board is the window into your future. No longer will you be one of those people who plays “bumper cars” with life, moving forward with no real direction and living in “reaction mode” wondering why life always happens to you instead of for you (i.e most of society). Instead you will go to bed and wake up each day with a clear vision of what happiness is to you. With this focus and self confidence in your goals, you now have the ability to go after your dream life with a higher sense of purpose, higher standards for those around you, and no compromise until you achieve it!

Personally, I absolutely swear by vision boards! I have proven their power to manifest numerous goals and dreams into my own life time and time again!

You do not have to go far to find passionate people who believe in the power of vision boards. Just type in #manifestation or #visionboard into Instagram and you will be flooded with positive quotes and people that will make you a believer in the power of vision boards and your ability to manifest in no time. Personally, I absolutely swear by vision boards! I have proven their power to manifest numerous goals and dreams into my own life time and time again!

Examples Of Things I have Manifested With My Vision Board

I have manifested SO many people, places, things, feelings, & accomplishments into my life over the years with my vision board! In fact, some examples have even been caught on film where I show the image on my vision board before manifesting it and then have it in my life after!

For example, when I started my old YouTube Chanel back in 2015 I created a video called “HOW TO: CREATE A VISION BOARD!” which you can watch here back at our old apartment. This was way back before buying our first house and our second house; before owning my own Online Magazine; before getting pregnant or having kids. In the old video, I show my vision board that has a picture of our “future daughter” on the beach… if you look at my oldest daughter, Melissa, she looks exactly like the little girl on my vision board down to her hair color and even a white dress that was given to me as a gift at my baby shower. We used to dress Melissa in this white dress and go to the beach, just like the image of the girl playing on the beach (now that was a mindblow moment even for me)! How could I have possibly predicted that we would even have daughters?

Sure, maybe it’s coincidence, but for those who take the time to create a vision board you will find the number of so-called “coincidences” that comes into your reality becomes almost eerie and magical all at the same time!

While living in snowy Utah, I put images of an “east coast beach” and my dream guy on my vision board. I met my husband 2 months later on New Year’s Eve and we now live in Florida!

A Few Other Examples, Featured In My Recent Video:

  • My Car

  • My Husband

  • My Daughters

  • Living In Florida

  • My Business

  • My Volunteer Work

  • Getting Certified In Yoga

  • Being Featured In Yoga Journal Magazine

Whenever I connect back to my ability to manifest with my vision board, I work smarter not harder blending the physical world and the spiritual manifesting world.

It’s pretty incredible when I think back on it; I often have to remind myself the power of vision boards when I get “too busy” with kids, #girlboss mode, and just life. Whenever I connect back to my ability to manifest with my vision board, I work smarter not harder blending the physical world and the spiritual manifesting world.

Still Skeptical? Think Of It Logically

Does this all sound a bit “woo woo” to you?! I get it. However, whether you are more open spiritually like me and believe in the power of the Universe or whether you are a bit more skeptical, I think we can all agree it doesn’t really matter how it comes about… if we can reach our wildest dreams we’re in! Mission best life …am I right?! So if you are unsure, try to bring some logic to it.

In order to achieve any goal, you have to clearly define it before taking action each day right? So, think of your vision board as a fun and creative place to give yourself permission to be a bit more carefree and simply make a collage of images and goals you want to achieve before you take action!

You know when you are car shopping and you decide you want to get a specific color of car, in a certain brand, and style and then you start to see that car everywhere? This will feel similar to that. You will have a focus and will stumble upon incredible opportunities that are on your vision board and bring them into your life! So whether you believe in them or not, it is still a great place to find your focus, define your joy, and have fun!

How to Make a Vision Board: Steps for Beginners

With clarity comes confidence. If you don’t define it, you can’t make it happen. Follow these SUPER EASY BEGINNER STEPS to get started, which will change your life for the better!

The biggest mistake you can make is overthinking! Keep it fun and creative to really get the most out of your vision board!

Before You Begin

The biggest mistake you can make is overthinking! Keep it fun and creative to really get the most out of your vision board!

Tools You’ll Need

  • Cork Board

  • Tape

  • Scissors

  • Magazines

  • An Open Mind!

Steps To Success

Step 1 — Buy A Cork Board

  • Traditional cork boards, bulletin boards, and even poster boards all work great!

  • BONUS TIP! Boards with a frame help you manifest faster

To avoid overthinking, try creating a Pinterest Board called “Vision Board” & save various images to the board—then color print.

Step 2 — Get Magazines Or Images

  • Choose magazines with inspirational images that include people, places, things, feelings, accomplishments, & even words you want to manifest into your life!

  • Examples include: your ideal car, house, hair, makeup, style, health, fitness, career, significant other, kids, pets, climate, lifestyle, etc.

  • Be sure to include images that are “more than skin deep” in order to feel fulfilled in your future life. It’s easy to have physical or material items only on your board. Make sure you include items that represent your whole being (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social well-being).

  • Make sure you really resonate and get an excited feeling when looking at your collage of images! The more euphoric the feeling the better. Anything that doesn’t resonate or create a deep sense of joy—take off.

  • BONUS TIP! Since printed magazines are not as popular as they used to be, you can also google images and color print them or even look on Pinterest then screenshot and print images. To avoid overthinking, try creating a Pinterest Board called “Vision Board” & save various images to the board—then color print.

how to make a vision board - photos of magazines

step 3 — Get {Cute} Scissors

  • Let’s be honest the cuter the office supplies the more invested we become into whatever task we are doing. So go all in! You now have an excuse to order from Amazon, go to Target, Staples, Office Depot, Home Goods or wherever you choose to get cute office supplies. I mean, it’s part of leveling-up after all!

  • Cut-out the images that resonate from the magazines, printouts, or other images you have collected and spread-out on the floor to make sure the vision is coming together in a way that feels like your dream life to you!

vision board materials - scissors

step 4 — Get {Cute} Tape

  • You have do buy cute tape to match your scissors, right?!

  • Once all of your images on the floor look and feel good, start to tape those images to your vision board in any order that you want. I find the less you think about where they are placed the better. Just have fun!

how to create a vision board - tape

Step 5 — Manifesting Meditation

  • Create a sacred space in your home for more personal activities related to your self care, self growth, & perhaps even your yoga practice. Vision boards fit right into a meditation practice!

  • Look at your vision board every morning and visualize yourself living your dream life come true! The more detail you imagine the better.

  • With practice, I’ve created my very own manifestation meditation formula that I’ve shared with coaching clients, friends, and family to assist them in achieving their own vision board dreams come true even faster! Over time, I will share this method with the followers who are in my VIP trubeautyTRIBE, so see below to join!

create a vision board example

Step 6 — Hang It Where You Can See It Everyday

  • Meditation not for you or just too busy? Hang your vision board where you will see it daily, so that these goals stay fresh on your mind and you will still pick up on it subconsciously!

  • BONUS TIP! Snap a picture of your completed vision board and save it as the background of your phone to conveniently see it daily and reap from benefits of manifesting more rapidly.

We are all capable of such greatness, if we’d only take the time to reflect, go within, & take positive action! This is YOUR time trubeauty! Let’s manifest greatness into OUR lives together!

Still Need Motivation To Get Started?

Girl, I get it! It’s hard to prioritize our self care and take that time to reflect. That is why I made creating a vision board an actual assignment for trubeautys who sign up for my “Jump Start Your Health + Happiness” 90-Day Wellness Course | Coaching program. I want to hold you accountable for your dreams and guide you to making them actually happen—& that all starts with a clear vision board for your personal and career dreams! Learn more about the program here to manifest your dream life and expedite the process!

Comment Below

Have you ever created a vision board or always wanted to? If so, did you manifest those things into your life? Comment your biggest successes, struggles, or questions about manifesting, so that I can jot down for future tips to guide your on your path!

Let’s Stay Connected!

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I can’t wait to connect, inspire, & motivate you more to manifest your dream life!


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